Information about statistics and statisticians

Activity Log

March 2012

This activity log reports the projects that Professional Statistical Services conducted during March of calendar year 2012. Unless otherwise specified, all computerized analyses were conducted using SPSS.

Project Title


Methods Used


Graduate introductory statistics course: problem set 2

Compute normal scores, compute linear correlation and its t-test, use Ryan-Joiner test to assess normality

  • Knowledge of normal scores and how to compute them
  • Knowledge of correlation and its interpretation
  • Knowledge of Ryan-Joiner test and its interpretation


Graduate introductory statistics course: problem set 1

Use Microsoft Excel to create histograms of the 3 variables, determine if there are any outliers in the date, create Normal Probability Plots for the data, determine the values of the linear correlation coefficients among the variables, assess the normality of the variables.

  • Histogram creation
  • Outlier identification
  • Normality identification
  • Correlation computation


Criminology undergraduate course in research methods: problem set 3

Using given data set, create a dependent variable and convert 3 continuous variables to dichotomous variables, test normality and variance homogeneity assumptions of t-test, conduct t-tests for the groups defined by each of the 3 dichotomous variables, write up conclusions in APA format,

  • Knowledge of assumptions of t-test and how to test them
  • Knowledge of variable recoding in SPSS
  • Knowledge of independent groups t-test and how to interpret results
  • Knowledge of APA format


Psychology graduate statistics course: journal article review

Select an article from a peer reviewed journal and review and critique it

  • Knowledge of research design
  • Knowledge of statistical methods
  • Knowledge of cross-lagged correlation


Psychology graduate statistics course: problem set

Compute odds, compute odds ratios, test significance of odds ratios

  • Manual computation of odds and odds ratios
  • Manual computation of chi-square and z-tests


Criminology undergraduate course in research methods: problem set 2

Develop contingency tables, compute chi-square for 2 x 4 tables and interpret the result, select two other categorical variables from the data set and compute chi-square for their contingency table.

  • Develop contingency tables
  • Computation of chi-square
  • Interpretation of chi-square results


Graduate statistics course: problem set

Using STATA, develop hypotheses to explain a social phenomenon, recode missing data values, specify model and predict signs of regression coefficients, run multiple regression analysis, interpret results, evaluate normality and homoscedacity of residuals, conduct hierarchical regression, explore effects of changing and adding variables in regression.

  • Hypothesis development
  • Model development
  • Multiple regression
  • Testing regression assumptions
  • Hierarchical multiple regression


Criminology undergraduate course in research methods: problem set 1

Using SPSS, create a composite variable, create a categorical variable from an interval variable, create an ordinal variable from an interval variable, assess normality of 3 variables, use transformations to reduce non-normality,.

  • SPSS Compute command
  • SPSS Recode command
  • Knowledge of variable transformation methods


Psychology graduate statistics course problem set

Compute histograms to assess normality, compute one-way ANOVA, compute one-way ANCOVA with 1 covariate, write up all results as APA formatted results section

  • One-way ANOVA
  • One-way ANCOVA


Graduate business introductory statistics course: problem set

Compute independent groups t-test, compute effect sizes, create main effects plot, compute residual scores from ANOVA results, compute one-way ANOVA, compute simple regression, create and interpret residual plots, compare results from t-test, ANOVA, and regression.

  • Use Minitab for all problems
  • t-tests
  • One-way ANOVA
  • Simple regression
